Better than Life!

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As I was reading through the Book of Genesis the other day, a particular conversation that God had with Abram caught my attention. In Genesis 18, God was telling Abram what He was about to do to the wicked city of Sodom and Gomorra. As soon as God had told Abram of His plan, Abram pleaded with Him, “Will You sweep the righteous away with the wicked? What if there is only 50 righteous in the city? Surely You wouldn’t kill the Righteous with the wicked?” (in my own words).

God answered to Abram He would spare it if 50 people were found. So Abram pleaded again, bringing the number down to 45. God said He would not destroy it if He found 45. So Abram asked again and again and again and again. SIX different times he asked God the same question bringing the number down each time till it was to 10 people. As I studied this Chapter to Know God’s Character, this is what stuck out:


I think that anyone else would have been really aggravated and ended the conversation with Abram right then after hearing him ask the same question 6 times, but not God. He was patient and gave an answer, even saying he would not destroy a whole city if only 10 people were found righteous there. What Great Mercy as well– How God would chose to spare many wicked people for the sake of a few. I am reminded that when I sin, and my heart is heavy with shame and I feel unworthy to even speak to God, that He doesn’t respond like the world does. No, His LOVING-KINDNESS leads me to Him, and as I speak He hears and is patient with me. He is ok with me petitioning Him with the same request over and over and over and over again. In fact, He even tells us to “annoy” Him with our prayers, giving Him no rest until we get an answer (read Isaiah 62:6-7).

This is our God! He Love His Children so much, that no matter how far they have fallen, He would rescue them from a wicked world like He did Lot from Sodom and Gomorra. So whoever is reading this today, remember God’s Loving-Kindness and how it leads us to repentance; to confidence in Him; and to Love Him More! (Romans 2:4)

This is why the Psalmist says to God, “Your Loving Kindness is better than Life! So my lips will praise You!” Better than the air we breath– is freedom for the spirit God has placed inside of us! Free from sin’s power and spiritual death! For TRUE LIFE is not a beating heart and breathing lungs, but a spirit united with God!

“Because your Loving-Kindness is better than life, my lips will glorify You.” – Psalms 63:3


God, I ask that You would show me how high, how wide, how deep, and how strong YOUR LOVE is for me. Sometimes I feel as if I’m not worthy of it and allow shame and guilt to keep me in the bondage of sin, but YOUR LOVING-KINDNESS leads me to repentance, so that I am free to worship You with my whole being! Help me to always remember this!


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