Shine A Light On Slavery!

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Each year around this time, when I am in public, I have people ask me why I have a Red-X on my hand. At that point I can tell them about the issue of slavery in our world today…. Some have already heard about it, some are just now hearing about it but don’t really seem to be interested (then again, I don’t know that) and others keep asking questions and tell me they are going to look up EndItMovement to learn more about it.
The point is, people who knew nothing about the subject are being made aware of it. How does this do anything? Well ignorance is NOT an excuse for injustice. There might just be someone I meet or know that has the passion and resources to fight slavery/human trafficking, but they are ignorant on the topic. They don’t even know it’s a “thing”. So awareness is so important to reach those people. Slavery has been in the dark for so long, that the majority of this world would have no clue that slavery is happening in the very town you are in right now! Where ever there is gang-activity, or drug deals, chances are, there is human trafficking.
I first heard of slavery/human trafficking at a Passion Conference in 2013, when I watched video testimonies of people who had escaped from slavery, I was horrified. I could not believe that something so gruesome was happing in my own city, because it just doesn’t seem like it would be something possible. Not long after I had gotten back home from the conference, I watched a movie called “Taken”. As I watched this action movie with the main character, starring Liam Nelson, trying to rescue his daughter from human trafficking, I was reminded that what I was watching was not just some made up stuff for a movie, but it was also exactly what happens in the world today.
Imagine your son, or daughter, niece or nephew, or close friend or relative… whatever age they are, being forced to live a life as slave, with no knowledge of where they may be? It could happen to anyone, and the victims have no voice. The majority of them will never escape…. Unless there are people fighting for their freedom. That’s where you come in. Bringing AWARENESS is doing the work of Justice. Shine A Light of Slavery! Make others Aware! Your voice might just be the voice someone is needing to hear. #EndIt #EndItMovement
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” – Michah 6:8


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