DISSONANCE: Beautifully Broken

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All my life, I have been fascinated with things that are rustic, or abandoned. Some of the most inspiring places to go, are places that are no longer functioning like they used to. Now its just looked at in wonder. As I look on at the rubble of an old house, I wonder what it used to look like as the first bricks were laid. I wonder what it would be like if the rubble could talk and tell stories of what used to go on inside its frame. I wonder who used to live within its walls. Mystery. It’s all but mystery.

I don’t know if I can put into words what I think of when I see places like this. I don’t know if I can convey all my thoughts or feelings, but there is just something mysterious about it. Strangely, I have a sense of awe and sorrow at the same time. A feeling I just can’t explain. Yet its not a bad feeling, but its something beautiful. Two feelings that just shouldn’t go together at all, somehow do, and its something beautiful. I look at what appears to be a useless building, but then again, its not really useless after all. It does make the best spot for pictures, or even a place to be inspired in my case with music. So it actually still has a purpose. I like to call things that just don’t go together, even though this is more a musical term, dissonant. Completely lacking harmony, yet somehow coming together to form a beautiful sound. This has come to be something I try to add in the songs I write— Dissonance. I try to pack as much feeling as I can, that I can’t explain in words, using dissonance and placing it within the music I write.

I believe that there is something more to dissonance, than just music and ruins of old buildings. When I think about it, don’t we all, who Love Jesus Christ, have something “dissonant” in our lives? Don’t we all have something that is broken about us, yet God has turned into something beautiful? Maybe we had a past, addiction, or abuse, or messed up relationship, it may be a lot of ugly scars, but each one tell a story of how God has taken someone who was broken, and gave them a use again. They can be looked at in awe of what God has done in their lives. Scars might not appear beautiful because it is a sign of pain, but pain is not its only sign. It also shows that healing has also taken place. Once again, two things that just don’t seem like they would fit with each other, fit perfectly together to make something beautiful.

My most favorite “dissonant” illustration would be what Christ did for us on the cross. To a world so wicked, God, being a Just God, must punish sin. Anything less than death and God would not be a Just God. However, God’s Love’s is so strong for us who deserve death, that He made a Way to serve Justice— which results in death— yet gives us Life at the same time. This is His free gift to those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ— Who, being in very nature God, came down to take all of God’s wrath upon Himself at the cross. The punishment that was rightfully ours, Jesus Christ took upon Himself, and all of God’s Justice was displayed at the Cross along with God’s Love. Two things that don’t seem to fit, once again come together as something beautiful! But this isn’t the end. Jesus Christ who was broken for us, rose again and made a way for anyone who believes in Him, that they shall never perish, but have everlasting Life. (Read John 3:16) He took our lives, our broken lives and made them something beautiful! Something beautifully broken!

“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage; rather, He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!” – Philippians 2:6-8


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