He Cares for You!

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Prayer is sometimes somewhat easy to those going through a rough time. When someone has a trial hit their life–like sickness or financial trouble, maybe a death or some other tragic loss–prayer sometimes seems to come naturally to them. But what about the little things? Like things that just don’t matter in the big scheme of life. It can be very very easy to forget that God cares about every detail of our life and not just the “big” events that happen. Sometimes we can fall to believe that the “little” issues in life are our own problems to deal with, but we will attempt to bring the “larger” ones to God.

Just the other day, I was helping my sister and brother in law at a wedding. My brother in law does videography, while my sister does photography, which she had put me in charge of all the detail shots at this wedding venue. The wedding was taking place on this large piece of property, about 40 acres with a large barn, huge house, a pavilion located by a beautiful river, and small cabin like building and 3 little country churches. This venue was like a crumb from heaven to me! I just loved everything about this place. So I was out taking pictures of everything my lens could point at. After waking back and forth from the house, the barn and the churches, which felt like they were on opposite ends of the property, I looked down at my camera, only to find out that a tiny plastic and rubber piece that keeps the sun out of the view finder, was missing. (I have no clue what this piece was called) I had probably walk several miles, and covered so much ground. I had no clue where to even start looking. So many leaves had fallen from the large oak trees and other hardwoods trees on the property, this was sure to be something I would never see again. I was a little disappointed, but knew that the piece was easily replaceable, and not 100% necessary to taking pictures. Either way I was bothered, and began my search. After looking for about 5 minutes, I knew I couldn’t waste any more time looking for a needle in a haystack. That piece could be anywhere. So I stopped looking.

I was really bothered by the fact that I had lost it anyways, and thought to myself about the verse in the Bible from 1 Peter 5:7, which reads: “Cast ALL your cares on the Lord for He cares for you.” The word “ALL” in that verse literally means “ALL”! Even though sometimes we have that feeling when there is something very minuscule going on in our life, that we don’t need to bother God with it. I mean, there are so many more important prayers for God to answer than for me to find a cheap piece of plastic. But I started my prayer: “God, I know this is just a small piece of plastic, but Lord, it still bothers me that I lost it. So I ask that You help me find it. I don’t know where it is but I know You do!” I then got back to taking pictures and decided not to worry about it anymore, since worrying is not of God.

“Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

The day went by, and I had completely forgotten about loosing it, and I was headed across the property to take some more pictures. While I was walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery and all the leaves falling from the trees from the strong wind that blew that entire day, I heard this voice in the form of a thought that said, “Stop, look down!” Instantly I stopped, looked down, and it almost appeared as if it were glowing (No joke) but there it was–the plastic piece just lying there in some leaves in the grass. I picked it up, thanking God and was just sooo excited! I was showing all the groomsmen and was just totally filled with a Joy that God would care even about something as small as that.

He really does care about the “small” things in our life! God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want Him to answer them. Sometimes the answer is a no, and sometimes He waits years before we get an answer, but we can ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS trust Him! So my encouragement to whoever is reading this. Don’t allow the enemy, or even your own thoughts lie to you and tell you that God doesn’t care about the “minuscule” things that happen in your life. He wants to be the center of ALL that you do. So come to Him with both the “Big” things that you know you can’t handle alone, and also with those “insignificant” problems that we also can’t handle alone, but believe God doesn’t care. HE CARES FOR YOU! So cast ALL your cares on Him, for HE cares for YOU!


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