My Prayer: You are my Everything!

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God, I know that I am nothing compared to You. Light up my eyes with the vision of You. Let my heart hold tight to Your Promises, and may I live by every Word from Your mouth. You walk with me through rolling meadows, filled with the fragrance of Your Love and Peace. The night sky is filled with stars that declare how beautiful You are! Nothing compares! Nothing can stand up next to You. From the songs of the birds in the morning, to the harmonies of the crickets at night, Your Name is sung. From the peaceful sounds of a spring morning, to the echo of the barn owl on a winter night, may my heart sing to You! In darkness, Your Light is like the fireflies on a summer night! I can’t stop chasing them! I don’t even noticed the darkness around me, because I am so lost in chasing Your Light! Keep me in Your Love, and may I grow like a tree deep into its depths, drawing Life from within it eternal waters. My eyes will never grow tired of seeing You. My soul will never find anything better than being with You. You are worth more than this world will ever offer, and in You I am satisfied for Life! Keep me in Your Love and never let me fall into pride. For I am Yours because of You! Not from anything I have done, but because of You! Keep my eyes fixed on You, the Maker of everything.

“For He satisfies the longing soul. He fills the hungry soul with good.” – Psalms 107:9



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