Wake up to Reality! Focus will Burn

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Life is real. So real! We are living! Days go by.. we are here.. breathing.. LIVING! Don’t you find it amazing, sometimes almost strange? We are really here! God really did create us and He really chance to choose right from wrong. His Words are TRUE!

I sit here now, and its like, “WOW! I’m really alive! This is so real!” Well, there are people right now probably saying the exact same thing, except its too late for them. People in hell! Because they didn’t know God when given the chance, and instead reject Him! Those people put their sins before a Holy Being and said, “I enjoy this more than You.” Those people had no clue. Now they scream in pain saying, “It was real! God was real!” They hate that! Because now they are in torment forever! FOR ETERNITY! They did not take what WAS and IS REAL seriously! There is no way out for them. Nothing they can do about it.

We are living. Everyday!.. Wake up in the morning and go to work so that we can pay our bills, feed our family. We think of ways we can add more “fun” into our lives. And we only bring our attention to God, maybe at night? Or when something goes wrong? Or what about Sunday at Church?.. Maybe we do quite often, but still! We live as if we have life forever, when we are not even guaranteed tomorrow. We don’t take this seriously.


While we make plans for “better living”, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, because God wants to bless us with stuff like that, we forget the fact that there are MILLIONS of people who don’t “get” reality, and are going to end up realizing the truth when they are burning forever and EVER! We have forgotten the reality of it all, that we, who have been saved by the Grace of God, have been called by Love, to Love. We don’t understand the Words of Christ when He told us not to treat the world as our home.

But maybe some of us do understand. Maybe we see the reality of this all. We decide we want to do something about it. We will make a difference. We will start a ministry of some sort. We want to reach the world, right? So we start by forming an organization! Perfect! God has really started to use us, and that feels great! But then.. and this isn’t with everyone, and isn’t the intention of us, its just the flesh, which everyone has… We start to put the ministry ahead of God. Pretty much saying, “God, you are no longer our focus, this ministry is.”… That’s just like trying to light the sun on fire with a magnifying glass and wood! Not going to happen! We need to adjust our focus. EVERYONE! I’m not just writing this to those who don’t have a relationship with God, no! I’m writing this to EVERYONE!! This is reality!! FOCUS WILL BURN! We are the magnifying glass, God is the Sun! We must set our focus on Him, and the flames will start and the fire will spread!

Don’t live each day thinking like the world thinks. The world needs help. The world is full of sin and is dying. It doesn’t know reality. You don’t need a ministry to tell or show someone God’s Love.

You ONLY NEED GOD! Nothing else!

Quit seeking the world to make you who you are! Seek God! Won’t He provide? The God of all creation, who allows every breath we take to give us oxogen to the lungs. He knows you! So in return, take the time to know Him, who can never be fully known. Repent of your sins for it separates us from Him. No one in all of this life will ever want to be separated from Him. Nothing is better than Life, and God is the Only One Who can give that. Don’t think normal thoughts, think extreme, because Life is more extreme than everyone makes it out to be.

Wake up world! Wake up! Wake up to a God who REALLY does HATE sin! Wake up to a God, who’s commands to serve Him are TRUE! Wake up to the One and ONLY God! King of ALL eternity!



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